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Call for papers

History of the Congress

For more than 40 years, CICA has established itself as a space for debate and meeting between the academic and professional worlds. Throughout this time, CICA have contributed in a positive way to the visibility and consolidation of the profession in the Portuguese society, while also contributing to the internationalization of scientific research in accounting and auditing. However, these conferences are not just scientific events. In fact, CICA is also about social interactions and culture, which promote opportunities for collaboration and networking among participants.

Date and venue

The XVII International Congress of Accounting and Auditing (CICA), organized by the Porto Accounting and Business School (ISCAP) and the Portuguese Chartered Accountants Association (OCC), will be held on November 7 and 8, 2019 in Porto, at ISCAP’s campus. The theme of the Congress is "Accounting in the Digital Age: Opportunities and Challenges".

Call for Papers

The XVII CICA is open to a wide variety of current topics, with the aim of stimulating interdisciplinary and complementary approaches, promoting the dissemination of scientific knowledge, the exchange of experiences and professional knowledge and the transfer of knowledge in an increasingly global and digital society.

Papers on any of the topic areas below are welcome:

· Accounting in the digital age.

· Financial accounting and accounting standardization.

· Management Accounting.

· Audit.

· Taxation.

· Financial and non-financial reporting.

· Ethics and social responsibility.

· Public sector and non-profit sector.

· History of accounting.

· Teaching and research in accounting.

· Other accounting and auditing topics.

All papers will be submitted to blind peer review. Considering the international dimension of the congress, submissions can be written and presented in Portuguese, Spanish, French or English.

Important dates

June 30, 2019 | Submission Deadline

July 22, 2019 | NEW Submission Deadline

September 10, 2019 | Notification of decision

October 7, 2019 | Deadline for the registration of authors with accepted papers.

Article Submission Guidelines

Papers must be submitted by email to: cica@occ.pt, according to the following rules:

- Organizing Committee assumes that submission of the paper is known and agreed by all authors.

- Papers should not exceed 8,000 words, including references, abstract, charts and tables.

- Each conference participant can present a maxium of three papers, either as sole author or co-author. Papers will only be evaluated for possible presentation with discussion, if the authors express their interest, at the time of submission.

- Papers and research projects should be sent in two Word format files, with A4 pages, 2.5 cm margins, double spacing with justified text, Times New Roman font, size 12.

- First file must contain the title, an abstract that does not exceed 150 words, authors’ name, email and affiliation, identification of corresponding author, and up to 5 five keywords. Authors should indicate whether they authorize the publication of the paper in a book of proceedings of the XVII CICA, in digital format, and if they are interested in submission with or without discussant.

- Second file must contain the full paper and the abstract that does not exceed 150 words. It must not contain any element that allows the identification of the author (s).

- Bibliographical references must respect the Harvard style.

Evaluation of submissions and notification

The papers submitted will be evaluated by two members of the Congress Scientific Committee (double blind refereeing process). The contact author will be notified by e-mail of the result of the evaluation process by September 10, 2019. The authors of accepted papers should send the final version by October 10, 2019.

Opportunity for publication

When authorized by the authors, the complete texts of the works included in the program of the Congress will be published in digital format, with the ISBN number.

The authors of the best papers will be invited to submit their works for publishing in a special issue of the Journal of Business and Legal Sciences (RCEJ) or the Accounting and Management Journal of the OCC.

Award "Best Paper XII CICA"

The Scientific Commission of XVII of CICA will award the prize "Best paper of XVII CICA" based on the evaluation made by the reviewers. The winner will be announced at the closing session and the prize will be given to the authors registered at the congress.

Research Colloquium of the XVII CICA

As part of the XVII CICA, a Research Colloquium will be organized in collaboration with CEOS.PP - Centre for Organizational and Social Studies of Polytechnic of Porto. This colloquium offers Masters, PhD students and other researchers an opportunity to discuss their research projects with experienced academics in the field. The Colloquium covers a wide range of topics in the field of Accounting and Auditing and is open to a variety of methodological approaches.

During the colloquium, researchers will present their work to a panel of researchers of recognized experience, taking suggestions and contributions to improve their ideas, arguments and methodologies.

Research projects should preferably follow the following structure.

· Project Title

· Researcher (s)

· Context (300 words maximum)

· Objective (maximum 100 words)

· Theoretical Framework (maximum 500 words)

· Methodology (maximum 500 words)

· Expected Results (maximum 300 words)

· Contribution (max 100 words)

· Originality (maximum 100 words)

· Bibliography (without limit)

The projects must be sent in PDF format for the email: ceos@iscap.ipp.pt, before June 30, 2019, with the subject: Research Colloquium of the XVII CICA.

Given the nature of this type of work, research projects will not be the subject of any form of publication.
