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7th November 2019 | Thursday

9h00 Opening Session

  • João Rocha, President of IPP
  • Fernando Magalhães, Dean of ISCAP-IPP
  • Paula Franco, President of OCC (Chartered Accountants Association)
  • Eurico Basto, Chairman of the Executive Committe of the XVII CICA

9h30 Musical moment

10h00 Tribute to Prof. Doctor Leandro Cañibano (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and AECA)

11h00 Coffee Break

11h30 Plenary session: Accounting in the Digital Era

  • Moderator: Eurico Basto, ISCAP-IPP
  • Valdone Darskuviene, ISM-University of Management and Economics, Vilnius, Lituania 
  • Phillys Alexander, Bournemouth University, UK
  • Ovidiu Bunget, Timisoara University, Romenia

13h00 Lunch break

14h30 Parallel sessions A

16h00 Coffee break

16h30 Parallel sessions B

18h00 Performance by Tunas (students musical groups) 

20h00 Gala dinner 

8th November 2019 | Friday

9h00 Parallel sessions  C

10h30 Coffee break

11h00 Plenary session: Implications of the Digital Age in Research, Teaching and in the Profession

  • Moderator: José Farinha, OCC
  • Lúcia Rodrigues, University of Minho
  • Leandro Cañibano, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and AECA
  • Pinheiro Pinto, Universidade Católica and Consultant 

12h30 Lunch break

14h00 Parallel sessions D 

15h30 Coffee break

16h00 Parallel sessions E

17h30 Closing session and award of "Best Communication of the XVII CICA”

  • Paula Franco, President of OCC
  • Fernando Magalhães, Dean of ISCAP-IPP
  • Orlando Gomes, Dean of ISCAL-IPL


Schedule in pdf
