7th November 2019 | Thursday9h00 Opening Session- João Rocha, President of IPP
- Fernando Magalhães, Dean of ISCAP-IPP
- Paula Franco, President of OCC (Chartered Accountants Association)
- Eurico Basto, Chairman of the Executive Committe of the XVII CICA
9h30 Musical moment10h00 Tribute to Prof. Doctor Leandro Cañibano (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and AECA)11h00 Coffee Break11h30 Plenary session: Accounting in the Digital Era- Moderator: Eurico Basto, ISCAP-IPP
- Valdone Darskuviene, ISM-University of Management and Economics, Vilnius, Lituania
- Phillys Alexander, Bournemouth University, UK
- Ovidiu Bunget, Timisoara University, Romenia
13h00 Lunch break14h30 Parallel sessions A16h00 Coffee break16h30 Parallel sessions B18h00 Performance by Tunas (students musical groups) 20h00 Gala dinner
8th November 2019 | Friday9h00 Parallel sessions C10h30 Coffee break11h00 Plenary session: Implications of the Digital Age in Research, Teaching and in the Profession- Moderator: José Farinha, OCC
- Lúcia Rodrigues, University of Minho
- Leandro Cañibano, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and AECA
- Pinheiro Pinto, Universidade Católica and Consultant
12h30 Lunch break14h00 Parallel sessions D 15h30 Coffee break16h00 Parallel sessions E17h30 Closing session and award of "Best Communication of the XVII CICA”- Paula Franco, President of OCC
- Fernando Magalhães, Dean of ISCAP-IPP
- Orlando Gomes, Dean of ISCAL-IPL
Schedule in pdf |